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Minutes 11/16/2010 Approved
NOVEMBER 16, 2010                                                                                                             

A   REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Finance was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

Present were Mayor Ryan Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Board of Finance members Daniel Farley, Mark Bushka, Thomas Scoville, Laurene Pesce and Wendy Traub, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, and Comptroller Alice Proulx, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, City Clerk Joseph Quartiero, and Board of Education Director of Human Resources William Joslyn.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mrs. Traub, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 21, 2010.  Mrs. Pesce abstained.
On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one who wished to speak.

As required by state statute, Mr. Joslyn reported on the Board of Education’s negotiations with the Torrington Public Schools Administrators Association. He said he is opening negotiations with the administrative unit, they are very aware of the current economic situation and initial discussions have been fruitful. He said they are looking at a short term contract, keeping salary increases and benefits to a minimum and looking at language items as well, to promote progress in the administrative group. They are cognizant that they are setting the tone for teachers’ negotiations next year and realize it is a very different world than it was three years ago.
Mr. Scoville cautioned that we are bracing ourselves for a storm this budget year and looking for millions in savings.

Mayor Bingham said he met with our insurance consultant, and that it would be helpful to coordinate the creation of a health savings account as a core plan, not as an option, potentially for new employees.  

Mr. Joslyn said he will discuss this with the committee.

On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to approve a refund of $125.00 for an erroneous toter fee charged to Naomi Delaney of 25 George Street for service from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.

On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the expenditure of $1,319,386.00 to Burlington Construction Co., Inc. of Torrington, CT as recommended by the Purchasing Agent and the Deputy Fire Chief for RFP #RFP-DEO-022-101310, Request for Design/Build Proposal for Emergency Dispatch Expansion Project/EOC for Torrington Fire Headquarters.

Mrs. Pesce requested a definition of where this money is coming from.

Deputy Chief Brunoli explained the six different funding sources for the Emergency Dispatch Expansion including $400,000 from an EOC grant through the State that the Mayor’s office secured last year, a (25%) match of the $400,000, or $133,333, from Fire Dept. Capital Expenditures, $400,000 committed from LCD, $250,000 from the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications grant, and $65,000 of an $850,000 grant that the Mayor’s office secured through the Federal Government. The remaining $28,000 will come from the balance of the EMS provider money the Mayor offered if needed. He said the City funds total $170,000, of the $1.3 million, potentially less.

Deputy Chief Brunoli added that another part of this project is a $140,000 grant for a new generator, which was put in place this afternoon.

Mayor Bingham said if the Board of Finance isn’t comfortable with this expense now, there is time to build it into the next budget season.

Mrs. Traub questioned the use of capital funds, whether this expense is unforeseen or had been planned for.
Deputy Chief said a lot of it was meant for repairs to the building, generator replacement, infrastructure repairs, etc. He indicated the current funds seem sufficient and they are trying to accomplish this project without loans or additional cost to the taxpayers. He said this project will bring savings to the City in dispatch service.

Mayor Bingham said we’re paying about 10% of the cost and will have a very long-term lease that will provide revenue to the City.

Mr. Scoville said we should take advantage of the grant money while it’s available.  

Mrs. Traub added that we need to make sure Capital Funds are there when we need them, and are not used for other things.

Mrs. Pesce questioned where the extra money will come from for the temporary increased power, since it hadn’t been budgeted for, and Deputy Chief Brunoli said he will talk to O & G to determine how we’re going to manage that. He said a gas line will need to be installed for heating and air conditioning.

Mr. Farley pointed out the items not included in the bid, such as the removal of rock or unknown obstructions, and the handling, removal, and disposal of contaminated materials. He said the old American Brass Co. used to be on that property with a power station and he spoke to the Purchasing Agent on the omissions in the bid. Deputy Chief Brunoli said Burlington Construction agreed to rock removal in their bid and he believes the fuel tanks are in the back parking lot. He said the addition is going to go where they intended to put the Police Station when they built the building.

Mayor Bingham said if an issue does come up, there are Brownfield Assessment monies that can probably be appropriated here, but he’d like to avoid it as it may cause a delay in the project.

Mr. Farley said it’s important to note that the two issues are not included in the paperwork but will be included in the project.

Mr. Bushka pointed out that it’s a 1.3 million dollar project that will cost the City roughly $160,000.  

Mrs. Traub asked about concrete in December, and Deputy Chief Brunoli replied the contractor feels it will be okay up to the beginning of January as it’s on the sunny side of the property. He said they are very aware of the time restrictions and their July 1st deadline.

Mrs. Pesce requested project funding information be part of the agenda packet in the future.

On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to approve a proposal presented by Lt. Newkirk to use approximately $135,000 from the Capital Reserve Account along with $92,000 from the Equipment Maintenance Capital Improvement Account for a roofing project at the Police Department.

Mr. Farley pointed out that there is $340,000 in the Capital Reserve Account, enough to cover the expense of the roof, and asked if it’s imperative to move these funds at this time.

Ms. Proulx said this use of the Capital Reserve is for a purpose other than what they were originally budgeted for, and the Equipment Maintenance Capital won’t be needed for a few years.

Chief Maniago said he’d prefer to save the Capital Reserve for some upcoming projects including body armor, sidewalk repair, and parking lot and street repair on Pythian Avenue.  In response to Mr. Farley’s question, Chief Maniago said he budgets $123,361 annually to the Capital Reserve Account, and that there are other upcoming projects such as radio system upgrades, energy use correction, dispatch maintenance, telephone repair, heating and plumbing replacements, building maintenance and repair.

Mr. Bushka asked for a clarification on how the account will be repaid. Chief Maniago said he will find a way to move his budget around without increasing it.

On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mrs. Traub, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Finance.
Mr. Bushka asked about the progression of the audit. Ms. Proulx said it is progressing very well.

Mr. Scoville asked about the progression of the Blue Ribbon Commission.  Mayor Bingham said he has probably received all of the ideas, the Union stepped up with a comprehensive list of ideas from membership, and the Blue Ribbon Commissioners are working on a few other items that are progressing well, but not as well as they’d like. Some of the issues become a tangled web, he said, with state law mandates, union issues, contractual obligations and technology hindrances.  He said there is a draft list of the suggestions thus far. Recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commissioners will come out sporadically, as fast as they can, and it seems as though a majority of this group will attempt to work through these issues long-term as well.

Mr. Scoville said his concern about the Fuessenich Park Committee, and any of our parks, is that private money always be kept separate if possible. Mayor Bingham said the current partnership is only loosely connected with the City, no funds are kept with the City and are in a separate account.  Should a check be written to the City, the Committee will invest it as wisely as they can.  He said the Veteran’s Memorial Wall Committee may do the same thing.

Mrs. Traub pointed out the issues our Municipality will be dealing with in the upcoming budget season and that we could be looking at seven or eight million dollars less for the City of Torrington.

Mayor Bingham said he attended a CCM meeting with Nancy Wyman, the Lt. Governor Elect, where he was unable to learn when we can expect some news regarding municipal aid from the State. He said he has no appetite for any affect on our taxpayers.

Mrs. Pesce cautioned that in order to save money, the City should not fund HSA 100%. Mayor Bingham said they have learned it should only be funded at 70% to have any affect.
On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board of Finance voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:00 p.m.

ATTEST:  JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                                             
                 CITY CLERK          

Respectfully Submitted,…..                                                                                                                                            
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk